Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011 and aimed to ‘address the current inequalities by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most’.

There are three main groups of ‘disadvantaged’ pupils:
  • Those registered for free school meals (FSM), plus those who have claimed FSM at any point in the last six years.

  • Those who have been looked after children (LAC) continuously by the local authority for more than six months.

  • Those who are children of service personnel or whose parents have been killed in service and receive a service pension.

Parents can claim FSM for their children if they receive benefits that include:

  • Income support

  • Income based job seekers allowance

  • Child tax credit but NOT working tax credit and the household income is not more that £16,190.

  • The guarantee element of state pension credit (from 30 April 2005)

  • Support under part vi of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

What do we do with the funding?

The headteacher has overall responsibility for ensuring that this funding is allocated appropriately and this is checked by Wendy Powell the Governor responsible for ensuring that this is managed effectively.

To view our Pupil Premium statements for previous academic years, please use the links below